1834 year
2015 year

On the 3 rd March 2008 Zelenograd celebrated its 50 th Anniversary.
Traditionally we receive presents on our birthdays.

And we come up with an idea…

This project is a present for our favorite city.

We wanted….

To remember the past, to reflect the present, to dip into the future of our city.
To make a site that will represent our city for guests and business partners not only from Moscow but also from other cities and countries.
To tell about Zelenograd so that site visitors will get to know the city better and admire its beauty and its citizens' talents
To show Zelenograd from another perspective, to open its history and culture to your people who say proudly “I am from Zelenograd”

Team got together…

Project initiators :

•  Prefecture
•  Non-commercial partnership “RITIR”

Project Participants :

•  Multimedia company “Rezonans”
•  Publishing house “41”
•  Historical Museum of Zelenograd

In the beginning there was a Word…

The informational content was based on the book “Green Branch” released by the 45 th Anniversary of Zelenograd.

Lots of plans to bring to life…

This project won't end up with the last celebration fireworks.
We are for constant enriching and enlarging site informational environment..

No city without people

Major city asset have always been its citizens. The people who saved this land in 1941. The people who gave birth to this city of the future. The people who have been building and developing the city for half a century. All those who did and do their best to make Zelenograd the most beautiful and cozy.

Let's join together, friends !

We address you, citizens and guests of Zelenograd!
The city portray will never be complete without your help.
Zelenograd appeared and is growing in front of your very eyes.
It is you who know the real history which souvenirs are collected in your photo albums, video archives, and newspaper clippings.
Who if not you will tell us the story of the city dear to our heart?
We invite all to take part in the project
We will be grateful for all materials that will allow for getting to know better Zelenograd, its past, present and future.
If you have any ideas or comments on site structure and content we will be happy to hear your opinion