1834 year
2015 year

2009 year    January

A new exchange format between Zelenograd citizens and the Prefect was put into practice owing to the implementation of “Mobile District” project. According to the Prefecture's press service data, the problem of improving the city is the most popular among citizens of the District. It is the leading topic, which is followed by construction and social issues.

SMS-conference with the Prefect was transmitted online on www.zelao.ru website and made headlines in the local press. The Prefect's answers to the questions of the citizens are published on www.zelao.ru and zelao.mobi web sites, in the “ 41” newspaper and sent directly to their authors.

The final word of Prefect of Zelenograd Administrative District of Moscow A. N. Smirnov after SMS-conference on January 22, 2009.

“First of all I would like to say why we chose to conduct exactly SMS-conference, though Prefecture has many other channels of feedback. There is a web site that is transmitting our conference at the moment, there is a telephone as well as “Prefect's pager” and of course personal reception. So why SMS?

The world is forging ahead and Zelenograd is a perfect evidence of this fact. New technologies enter our lives. We are constantly changing and all spheres of our activity are also changing. Thus innovations undergo solidity testing and we start to realize that neighborhood retailers or Geographic Information System aren't simple word-combinations, they do urbanize new generation.

We have been implementing “Mobile District” project for the second year now. This is a new system of communication between citizens and Prefect. Prefect's interacting with the citizens with the help of new communication devices is quite logic. I hope Zelenograd citizens are going to see the true value of it”
